I am so glad everyone is enjoying Little Blue Bird! I really had so much fun designing it... It is a super versatile kit and very cute for those kid pictures! I love all the positive comments... Thank you!! If you just got here and did not get the other files (alphas and elements) just go back to my previous posts... they will be available for downloading only till Friday night, when I will be taking the links down...
Click on the preview to get the link for the papers... and if you have some time, please leave me a shout out!

A short post today... I am busy packing for my Holiday trip. After today, you probably won't see any post from me till the end of the year... Who knows? I might just find some time to keep blogging, but it is very unlikely, since I have a huge family and they all want to do something while I am visiting... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!